About Us
Granzow Herefords was started in the late 1970’s with the purchase of registered females from some highly reputable herds. The Granzow’s had been in the commercial Hereford business for many, many years before that. Tobyn makes the fifth generation of Granzow cattlemen that have raised Herefords in the Flint Hills. Our cowherd is basically Line One, but we have added some outcross bloodlines in the form of Yampa Dominator and a shot of Canadian, too. We strive to raise the very best Herefords we can that fit our environment and weather conditions.
We have done exhaustive feedlot & carcass testing on our steers and heifers to make sure the performance and quality of our cattle remain at its very best and can compete with other breeders and bloodlines. We also have done Residual Feed testing through the Green Springs Bull Test in Nevada, Missouri and have tested females through the University of Missouri RFI testing very successfully. Although we don’t emphasize show cattle in our operation, we have taken a pen of heifers to the National Western in Denver and been successful. We feel that is a good way to get our cattle out in front of many progressive breeders at one of the very best venues in the beef industry.
As we say in our print advertising, we are using all the modern tools to raise common sense cattle. We have used all of these tools to form our philosophy in breeding good Hereford and black baldy cattle. Many of our black baldy females have registered performance tested parentage on both sides of the pedigree.
Along with collecting the data and performance necessary to stay at the top of the beef industry, we also own an interest in First Choice Meats, Inc. of Herington, KS and merchandise our beef direct to the consumer in the form of all natural sides of beef and split sides as well. To us, this is the greatest test of the quality of our product.
If there is anything we can do for you in the way of Herefords and black baldy cattle, be sure and contact us.